featuring Linda Merkel of Massachusetts ~ a gifted Psychic Medium & Spiritual Healer

Psychic Readings by Medium - Send Linda an email at: blindablessing@aol.com

"The seed dies into a new life,
and so does man."
      ~ George Macdonald

"Beyond this vale of tears,
There is a life above,
Unmeasured by the flight of years;
And all that life is love."
     ~ James Montgomery

About Linda

To tell my readers a little bit about myself, I live on a farm in central Massachusetts comprising of 88 acres. We cultivate organic raspberries over 1.5 acres. We also have an apple orchard which gifts us with delicious apples yearly.

I have three children, Brad, Brent and Kimberly. Brad is in law enforcement and resides in Florida. Brent is also pursuing a career in law enforcement. Kimberly is a firefighter, professional photographer and currently works taking care of handicapped adults.

Our land is what allows me that quiet time to center myself and meditate. The Buddhists believe that one does not have to die to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; that the Kingdom of Heaven lays before us. I firmly believe that. Our Almighty Creator is an artist whose every creation is a miracle. Every day of our lives is also a miracle, a gift to be embraced and be grateful for.

Aside from being a psychic medium, I have always been involved with architecture. I have worked both commercially and residentially building, designing, and decorating. I also play the piano and have since I was seven years old. My favorites are the old masters such as Johann Strauss, Emil Waldteufel, Franz Lehar, Tchaikovsky, Bach, and Beethoven. Violin, art, and nature soothe my soul.

My favorite psychics are John Edwards, James Van Praagh, and George Anderson. I recommend their books to my readers because I believe they are 100% the 'real deal.'

So with all these interests in life you wonder how I decided to add being a psychic medium to my roster. The answer is simple, to help people. The Buddhists believe that if you give of yourself daily, albeit your talents, your time, your services, then you have found the meaning of life, helping another soul. I have found my meaning in life, helping other souls.


Linda Merkel

The Orchard...

Linda's Lilacs...

Disclaimer Information: Linda of PsychicReadingsByMedium.com disclaims all liability in regards to the advice given to her clientele. Her services are in no way intended to be used as a substitution for physical, mental, or psychological therapy or assistance from a physician. Linda in no way claims to be a professional or licensed medical doctor or certified therapist. If you are experiencing mental or physical pain, which may be a warning sign to seek out a physician or medical doctor, Linda recommends you do so immediately. She acknowledges her services are not a replacement for a medical or psychological doctor. Please be aware that Linda has no control over who may or may not come through during a reading and therefore gives no guarantee of who might come through. If the reading you seek is psychic in nature, please be aware that accepting to participate in such a reading indicates you also agree to be open to whoever may come through with a message. Thank you and may you always be aware of the blessings from our Almighty Creator.