featuring Linda Merkel of Massachusetts ~ a gifted Psychic Medium & Spiritual Healer

Psychic Readings by Medium - Send Linda an email at: blindablessing@aol.com

"In sorrow we must go, but not in despair. Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory."
     ? J.R.R. Tolkien

Psychic Readings by Medium - Send Linda an email at: blindablessing@aol.com

Questions & Answers

1) What is the difference between a psychic and a psychic medium?
2) Which are you, a psychic or a psychic medium?
3) How accurate are you?
4) How would you describe your readings?
5) Are there any outside factors that affect a reading?
6) Is it possible for anyone to see a loved one in spirit?
7) Can a person visit with a deceased loved one in dreams?
8) Is there a Heaven and a Hell?
9) If a soul judges themselves harshly, will they stay in their own personal Hell?
10) What about suicide? Is there punishment on the other side when someone takes their own life?
11) What do you believe happens to miscarried or aborted fetuses?
12) Do you believe in only one God?
13) How do you handle hatred in others?
14) What does it feel like personally for you to live the life of a psychic medium?
15) Is your life different because you are a psychic medium?
16) Is prayer as powerful as people say?
17) How do you give an accurate reading over the phone?
18) Is there anyone you cannot read?
19) Is death painful?
20) Why is there so much turmoil in people's lives?
21) Can we be assured that when it is our time to die that our deceased loved ones will be there to greet us?
22) Do you believe in Angels?
23) Do your clients ask you to predict death?
24) Do you recommend how often a person should have a reading done?
25) Do you believe in free will and fate?
26) Can you bring in deceased animals in a reading?
27) Can a deceased loved one hear me when I tell them I miss them and love them?
28) How do you explain the Spiritual world?

1. What is the difference between a psychic and a psychic medium?
A psychic will tend to predict and bring through information pertaining to the client's life as it is here on earth. A psychic medium will use his or her talents to connect with the ethereal realm, the other side of life, and bring through messages from deceased loved ones. Both talents pertain to mental phenomena that appear to be independent of our normal six senses. These phenomena may include clairvoyance (knowledge of the unseen), clairaudience (hearing the unseen), and clairsentience (sensing the unseen).
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2. Which are you, a psychic or a psychic medium?
I am both. I do have the gift of knowing what will occur here as well as the ability to connect with the other side. I would like to make it clear that when a psychic predicts a life event, the client does have the free will to change that course of action while here on earth, thusly changing the prediction of the psychic.
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3. How accurate are you?
I have been told my accuracy is usually 95 to 100%. A lot of times readings take time for some of the messages to be validated. If there is a message within a reading that does not make sense, generally it will within a week of the reading.
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4. How would you describe your readings?
My readings are all different; however they are all very heart healing. My clients generally tell me they feel much better about their lives and much lighter in their hearts after a reading. Whatever the content of the reading, the ultimate goal is to bring forth peace, -serenity and a renewed faith in life to my client.
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5. Are there any outside factors that affect a reading?
Yes, there are. The optimum conditions for a reading depend on three, things: first, the psychic medium needs to be in excellent physical form. Secondly, the client needs to be in a calm, receptive, mental state. I say to my clients they must keep an open mind. If you expect nothing, you will receive everything. In other words, don't focus your mind on hearing just what you want. Be willing to accept freely all the information that comes in. Lastly, I have no control over who will or will not come through from the other side. I do know that whatever the client needs for a healing, generally will come through without any prompting.
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6. Is it possible for anyone to see a loved one in spirit?
I believe we are all born psychic, but like anything else in life, there are those of us born with a specialized talent and those who cannot seem to develop it. For example, many of us can add two and two, however only a select few can take that talent and become engineers. The same applies to being psychic. For the most part, those who cannot develop this talent still have the ability to feel as if they saw someone from the corner of their eye and when they turned to look, no one was there. Many times the name of a loved one in spirit will come into their mind and they will wonder if it was them. The answer is yes. If you are aware of that feeling, that sensation, you have already received the gift of seeing a loved one in spirit.
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7. Can a person visit with a deceased loved one in dreams?
Yes, dreams are the easiest way for our loved ones to contact us. When we dream we leave our consciousness and our sub consciousness to arrive at a state of super consciousness. It is during the highest state that our loved ones are able to come to us in dreams. Their vibrations slow down to meet ours and our vibrations have slowed down simply by being in our dream state. When I prepare for a reading, I slow down my breathing, my bodily functions, so as to 'listen' to the other side. It is the same in dreams.
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8. Is there a Heaven and a Hell?
There is both Heaven and Hell but it is each soul that self-creates it on the other side with their consciousness. There is no effect without a cause. When a person lives out his or her life here on earth, every word, deed, or thought will be reviewed by the soul itself upon the passing of death. That soul will get to experience a life review and will also get to feel the effects of his or her life here on earth. If that person was a caring and loving individual, they will feel the joy they created for others. Contrarily, if they were mean-spirited and hurtful to others, that consequence will be felt on the other side too. It is from there that they will create their own mental Heaven or Hell on the other side.
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9. If a soul judges themselves harshly, will they stay in their own personal Hell?
I don't believe so. Through our loving Almighty Creator, the soul is taught to forgive itself for whatever wrongdoings it may have committed. They are shown alternative ways they could have behaved while here on earth. Our God is a loving and forgiving God, not one who holds a soul in permanent condemnation. Every soul is assisted with their soul's evolution while on the other side.
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10. What about suicide? Is there punishment on the other side when someone takes their own life?
Again, the punishment lies within the soul itself. The person who committed the suicide will be shown the anguish and pain they created by hurting those who loved them. They will be given a key to understanding why they did what they did and how they could have changed it. It is important for those left behind to forgive a person for having done this to help allow the healing of that soul to take place on the other side.
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11. What do you believe happens to miscarried or aborted fetuses?
I believe miscarried and aborted fetuses have two options, either to try to incarnate again when conditions are more favorable or to stay on the other side. Either way I do not believe they truly die. I believe their experience was one they chose. I do not believe in accidents.
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12. Do you believe in only one God?
I believe that God comes in many different forms to many different people and cultures. All faiths of all denominations matter. As long as the faith allows the person to believe in the goodness and love of our Almighty Creator, the result will be for the highest good of humanity.
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13. How do you handle hatred in others?
With love, just pure love. I send up prayers to diffuse the darkness and send them into the light because all persons carry goodness in them. Usually hatred is the result of fear.
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14. What does it feel like personally for you to live the life of a psychic medium?
I feel blessed to be able to help others. I use my talents for others, not myself. It can be very draining and I apportion my readings according to what is going on in my personal life so as not to deplete my energy. I have learned how to turn off my gift at times so I may fulfill my own soul's obligation while here on earth.
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15. Is your life different because you are a psychic medium?
Since I have never known anything else, that is a hard question to answer. I will say that physically I am extremely sensitive to everything. I make cef\tain to eat right and keep my body as pure as possible. I take vitamins but it is rare that I will take anything more than an aspirin. Medicine seems to have an adverse effect on me.
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16. Is prayer as powerful as people say?
Most definitely. It is the ultimate tool for love and healing. I often times suggest my clients pray, pray throughout their day whether they are in their car, at the kitchen sink, taking a walk - just pray. Prayer is the omnipotent healer.
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17. How do you give an accurate reading over the phone?
I read over the phone the same way I do as if you were in my office. I read your energy, your life vibration. It can sometimes require a little more concentration on my part, but essentially it is the same as an in-person reading.
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18. Is there anyone you cannot read?
I have done readings for over fifteen years and have only encountered three persons whom I could not read. I have analyzed why this happened and the conclusion was astoundingly similar in all three cases. All three individuals were full of anger for the deceased. loved one on the other side who had come through with an apology. These individuals were not ready to accept love from someone who had wronged them.
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19. Is death painful?
Well, most certainly having a grave illness such as cancer is painful; however the actual act of death itself is not. The actual process of death is said to be quite peaceful and natural. I have heard it said that it is actually easier to die than it is to be born. If you think of it this way, we are all returning to the place we were before we were born.
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20. Why is there so much turmoil in people's lives?
All of us are here on earth school to learn lessons and develop our souls. We learn such lessons as humility, forgiveness, charity, empathy, honesty, in order for our souls to become enlightened, to grow. Unfortunately, growing requires pain. Think of the teenager struggling physically to become the young man or woman they want to be - remember the saying "growing pains"? The same can be used when describing growth of the spirit, but along the path of life we do encounter peace and serenity. The lesson here is to learn to live a life filled with obstacles while at the same time being grateful for all that is good. You cannot have one without the other.
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21. Can we be assured that when it is our time to die that our deceased loved ones will be there to greet us?
You can always rest assured that love never dies. Your deceased loved ones will be there to assist you in making your final transition back home. You will recognize them immediately and feel the love they had for you once again.
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22. Do you believe in Angels?
Yes, I believe Angels are our divine messengers and protectors. I also believe people here on earth can be our angels. I make a habit of going through my day naming someone my "angel of the day". It can be the cashier at the supermarket who goes out of their way to help me or give me a kind word. I believe everyone needs to be made aware of not only our divine angels but the fact that there are angels among us right here on earth.
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23. Do your clients ask you to predict death?
I have been asked to and will not. Death is in the hands of the contract made between the mortal and God. I would not be that arrogant to think I could usurp the law of God.
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24. Do you recommend how often a person should have a reading done?
Generally speaking, once a year is fine. The exception to the rule would be if a person is having problems in life that require immediate attention.
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25. Do you believe in free will and fate?
I believe the day we are born and the day we die is firmly etched in stone. I believe strongly in birthdates. I believe our birthdates carry with them our personalities, talents, obstacles, characteristics as well as our genetic DNA. I also believe our death date is not changeable. In between is where free will comes in but whatever the choice of the individual, the lesson remains the same. For example, I have to go to the market (fate). I have a choice as to whether to take the major highway or go on the back road (free will) but at the end of the day, I still wind up at the market (fate).
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26. Can you bring in deceased animals in a reading?
Yes. Animals will come through giving me a sense of their favorite toys, foods, or a favorite place in their house. They come in because of the eternal love they feel for their owner.
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27. Can a deceased loved one hear me when I tell them I miss them and love them?
Yes they can. They also know you are thinking of them when you don't even utter their name aloud. They also know when you are booking a reading with me. Many times my clients have told me they felt their deceased loved ones are the ones who actually found me. I urge my clients to talk to their loved ones daily and to express their feelings. Not only will they hear you but talking to them will give you comfort.
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28. How do you explain the Spiritual world?
Well, I like to use the analogy of the hand in glove. The glove here on earth is the physical body. The hand represents the soul, the spirit of the person. While here on earth the glove cannot move without the hand (the soul) inside of it. When we pass to the other side we simply remove our glove (the body) to expose our hand. We exist there as we did while here on earth, but without the body to weigh us down.
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Disclaimer Information: Linda of PsychicReadingsByMedium.com disclaims all liability in regards to the advice given to her clientele. Her services are in no way intended to be used as a substitution for physical, mental, or psychological therapy or assistance from a physician. Linda in no way claims to be a professional or licensed medical doctor or certified therapist. If you are experiencing mental or physical pain, which may be a warning sign to seek out a physician or medical doctor, Linda recommends you do so immediately. She acknowledges her services are not a replacement for a medical or psychological doctor. Please be aware that Linda has no control over who may or may not come through during a reading and therefore gives no guarantee of who might come through. If the reading you seek is psychic in nature, please be aware that accepting to participate in such a reading indicates you also agree to be open to whoever may come through with a message. Thank you and may you always be aware of the blessings from our Almighty Creator.